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Working Together

Writer: Robin MastersRobin Masters

As much as we sometimes doubt or have our differences, we need one another. Coming off the festive season there may have been a squabble here and there. Whether in the shops, on the road or even in our work communities, neighbourhoods or families, it happens. Thinking you can sometimes go it alone, we might soon realize that we just can't get away from working together.

After all, the real excitement of life is when we are challenged. When we need to count on one another and get through the curve balls that life can throw. It's important to know you can reach out, find common ground and appreciation and that no matter the difficulty or differences, accept that we are better together, a bicycle with moving parts. You fix one end and low and behold... something else needs maintenance.

This past holiday may have had some unexpected surprises and even some expected ones that we were hoping wouldn't come so soon. In times of stress, sorrow, complications and loss, a lot is dished out and we need the support of friends and especially, our families. Sometimes that doesn't cost us a dime. Just an open heart and a receptive ear.

There are times for sure this past year when you just wanted to get off the world. Then the right thing comes along at the right time. I always remember the classic comedian Red Skelton; just a clown who advised "don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive anyway". Red was right. At the end of a day, it's true. None of us will be around forever but the time we do spend here is a memory of the way we lived our lives. That survives. So be careful with your time, your words and your money too. Like money, time is a currency. As Rodney Dangerfield used to joke, "you realize you're running out of time when you gamble in Vegas on the slots and three prunes come up!"

As we put the year behind us and welcome the new time that we have today, we navigate as the time goes by. Those days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. Try not to live the same year over again. Even when you feel misunderstood or unheard there is real friend somewhere who is the other piece of the puzzle you were missing. A chat away. A quick text or email. A letter in the post. Take that gamble. That's when life fits back together again and we are good. Working good together.



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